Rocky Horizon

K so i was extremely bored on a saturday night, had a long day out doing a photoshoot and decided to do a painting by looking at one of my pictures i had taken. Took me about 6 hours and this is actually my first painting ever so i dono wat to think, comments would be appreciated.

About Me

Welcome to my blog. Born and raised in near Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ever since I can remember ive felt a unique passion to do something above the norm. From a young age I sat in class and found myself day-dreaming, doing sketches of scenery, landscapes and even comics oblivious to my surroundings.  At an age of about 10 I purchased my first camera, just a cheap polaroid instant picture cam, from that moment on I was in love with photography. Often times I find myself just staring at life, practically photographing it with my own eye, seeing beauty in the ugliest of things that many others might try to even avoid. Up until now ive felt a pull of society, a feeling to be like everyone else, a feeling of senselessness but ive finally realized to embrace who I truely am. I am David Bell, photographer/ Artist.